Sunday, April 23, 2017

55th World Wide Sketchcrawl

55th World Wide Sketchcrawl in Quincy, Florida USA
 New Growth on Graveyard Fence first attempt
by Mark Fletcher

New Growth on Graveyard Fence second attempt
by Mark Fletcher

 by Mark Fletcher

photo by Jennifer Clinard

 by Mark Fletcher

 by Mark Fletcher

 by Mark Fletcher

photo by Jennifer Clinard

by Mark Fletcher

by Mary Liz Tippin Moody

by Evan B.

by Jeff Zenick

Gadsden Art Center and Museum (GAC&M) generously sponsored us for WWSC 55:

The museum let us use their 2nd floor studio to meet and have lunch. We could see each others' drawings so far and see the current exhibits.

 by Tom Friedman

 by Bill (Wm. Hugh) McKeown
by Mary Sterner Lawson

 by Tom Friedman

by Tom Friedman

 by Barb Psimas

by Mary Sterner Lawson

 by Barb Psimas

Mary Liz Tippin-Moody

 by Barb Psimas

by Barb Psimas

See the news and upcoming events on Sketchcrawl Forum: