Sunday, October 14, 2012

World Wide Sketchcrawl number 37 October 13, 2012

Here are some results of our World Wide Sketchcrawl number 37. We had a great crawl at the Tallahassee Museum! Thanks to the museum for giving our local group free admission. The Sacred Harp singers provided the wonderful background music and "Halloween Howl" was the museum decoration theme this month (hence the pirate skeletons in our group photo).
Arrgh Mates! Shiver me pencil!
Tim White

Tim White

Barbara Psimas

Barbara Psimas

Barbara Psimas

Jennifer Clinard

Mary Sterner Lawson

Laurie McCort

Laurie McCort

Roger Messimer

Mark Fletcher

Mark Fletcher

John Bevis

Jeff Zenick

Dede and Mark

Sketch Captain Bones and Jeff

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cyber-Dave Fletcher of Vancouver's great drawing

Cyber Dave Fletcher of Vancouver, Canada and moderator of Worldwide Sketchcrawl dedicated this great drawing to us! Check out the Vancouver sketchcrawls (shortcut below) and Dave's other cool artwork on his blogs.
Thanks for all your help and encouragement our artistic endeavors, Dave!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Vienna, Austria Sketchcrawl #36 July 14 2012

Thanks again to Vienna friends Manfred, Gabi, Fanda and John for taking us to the amazing Schonbrunn Palace for Sketchcrawl!
 Much obliged to "M9fred" (here in a classic Sketchcrawl pose)--thank you
for helping us with so many things, but here are our sketchcrawl results Manfred photographed and posted  in case you missed them on the Worldwide site:

Mark Fletcher

Mark Fletcher






                                          Photo of Wien Sketchgroup 36

All great individuals! Thanks again, Vienna friends for your help and kindness.
For context of these drawings, please click on M9Fred's great photos on the Vienna RESULTS page:

Delayed Sketchcrawl Postings

Here are the delayed posting of sketches done on July 14th 2012 for the 36th Worldwide Sketchcrawl:
Mary Sterner Lawson

Mary Sterner Lawson

Mary Sterner Lawson

Mary Sterner Lawson

Mary Sterner Lawson

Joyce Raichelson

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sketchcrawl exhibit at the Florida State Museum of Fine Arts

As a celebration of our continuing drawing and to "draw" more folks into the Sketchcrawl fun, Sketchcrawl Tallahassee has an exhibit called "Sketchin'" June 8 to July 6 at the Florida State Museum of Fine Arts. Thanks to curator Dr. Viki D. Thompson-Wylder and preparator Wayne Vonada and their staff for all their help in making this show a success. There were many many drawings to hang, and it looks great.
Bill Otersen, author of our Sketchcrawl Manifesto, who coined the phrase "Yoga for the Eyes", arrived early and enticed new artists by setting a great example -- drawing most of the evening at the Sketchin' table.
 Thanks for your writing, teaching and allowing visitors to thumb through your sketchbook, Bill. Real!
Jeff Zenick poses with two of his drawings before the opening reception.
Hard to see, but probably Tim White, Bill Otersen and Dede Harter check the final arrangement of the art.
The show really got crowded later, so Sara didn't get any photos after the food and hundreds of visitors arrived at the reception. Thanks for your photos & exhibit slideshow, Sara Chang!
Jennifer Clinnard's wall of critters and self-portrait. Great!
   Thanks to all the participants and visitors for making this an exciting event! Sorry no photos of participants Barbara Psimas, Bob Jones, Mary Sterner Lawson or Mark Fletcher (yet!)
See you (or your posts) on WorldWide Sketchcrawl July 14th!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Summer Annual June 8--July 6, 2012

Come out to see this piece at the Artists' League Summer Annual exhibit at the FSU Museum of Fine Arts!
Reception: Friday, June 8, 7--9 pm

Saturday, April 21, 2012

35th Worldwide Sketchcrawl at Lichgate Gardens

For the 35th Worldwide Sketchcrawl, our local group met at Litchgate Gardens
former resisdence of Laura Jepson with the famous giant
live oak tree, "gingerbread" house, and Shakespear gardens. Litchgate
home page is:
Thanks to Jody Taylor for accomodating our visit!

by Joyce Raichelson

Dede Harter, Bob Jones, Barbara Psimas, Mary Sterner Lawson, John Bevis, Mark Fletcher, Jan Barnett, Joyce Raichelson, Maryann from Alaska, Dan Barnett

by Dede Harter
by Dede Harter

by Joyce Raichelson
by Joyce Raichelson

by Barbara Psimas
by Barbara Psimas

by Mary Sterner Lawson
by Mary Sterner Lawson

by Mary Sterner Lawson

For the 35th Worldwide Sketchcrawl, our local group met at Litchgate Gardens
former resisdence of Laura Jepson with the famous giant
live oak tree, "gingerbread" house, and Shakespear gardens. Litchgate
home page is:
Thanks to Jody Taylor for accomodating our visit!

The King's cabbages (below) by Mark Fletcher

Lichgate Oak Backlit (above) by Mark Fletcher

Lichgate Oak sketches One and Two (above and below) by John Bevis

by Mary Sterner Lawson

The Tallahassee Sketchcrawl Guild drew at Lichgate Gardens for the 35th Worldwide Sketchcrawl: We welcomed new participants including Joyce Raichelson from Tallahassee, Dan and Jan Barnett 's friends Tracy Murtha from New Mexico and Maryann from Alaska; Veteran sketchcrawlers included Dan and Jan Barnett, John Bevis, Mark Fletcher, Dede Harter, Bob Jones, Barbara Psimas, and Mary Sterner Lawson.
(New images will be added as they are received.)