Sunday, November 22, 2009

World Wide SketchCrawl Tallahassee 11-21-09

Water Under the Bridge by Mark Fletcher

Today we celebrated the 5th anniversary of Enrico Casarosa's World Wide Sketch Crawl with 'Zine artist Jeff Zenick (who was featured in Abstract Comics, 2009). This was the first SketchCrawl in Tallahassee, Florida, USA, as far as I know. World wide artists celebrated a spirit of solidarity and joy by sketching on location. We plan to participate more often since we've been sketch/hiking on our own for a long time. For more info and to see art created simultaneously around the world, please go to Enrico the Creator's site

Jeff and I sketched at Myers Park, met my wife Sara at the duck pond and then returned to Jeff's studio/home for coffee with Jeff's wife, Paula, and more sketching.

Portrait of Paula Zenick by Mark Fletcher

Magic Mushroom Shikabob by Mark Fletcher

Portrait of Jeff Zenick by Mark Fletcher

Good Goose Good Gander by Mark Fletcher

Feeding Frenzy by Mark Fletcher

Desktop Published by Mark Fletcher

The following by Jeff Zenick:
To view more of Jeff's art, please visit eBay and search for "Zenick art". To order Abstract Comics, edited by Andre Molotiu, please visit