As a celebration of our continuing drawing and to "draw" more folks into the Sketchcrawl fun, Sketchcrawl Tallahassee has an exhibit called "Sketchin'" June 8 to July 6 at the Florida State Museum of Fine Arts.
Thanks to curator Dr. Viki D. Thompson-Wylder and preparator Wayne Vonada and their staff for all their help in making this show a success. There were
many many drawings to hang, and it looks great.
Bill Otersen, author of our
Sketchcrawl Manifesto, who coined the phrase "Yoga for the Eyes", arrived early and enticed new artists by setting a great example -- drawing most of the evening at the Sketchin' table.
Thanks for your writing, teaching and allowing visitors to thumb through your sketchbook, Bill. Real!
Jeff Zenick poses with two of his drawings before the opening reception.
Hard to see, but probably
Tim White,
Bill Otersen and
Dede Harter check the final arrangement of the art.
The show really got crowded later, so Sara didn't get any photos after the food and hundreds of visitors arrived at the reception. Thanks for your photos & exhibit slideshow,
Sara Chang!
Jennifer Clinnard's wall of critters and self-portrait. Great!
Thanks to all the participants and visitors for making this an exciting event! Sorry no photos of participants
Barbara Psimas,
Bob Jones,
Mary Sterner Lawson or
Mark Fletcher (yet!)
See you (or your posts) on WorldWide Sketchcrawl July 14th!